Sydney Eye Podcast #SydEyePod
Sydney Eye Podcast #SydEyePod
This podcast explores topics related to eye health and answers some common questions about eye conditions
University of Sydney – Save Sight Institute
Behind the Sydney Eye Podcast with Dr Maria Cabrera-Aguas
What is your background and how did you come to pursue your research at SSI?
MiVision Magazine
- Herpes Simplex Keratitis
Herpes Simplex Keratitis Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment – mivision
An Australian guideline, developed, implemented, and supported with training, is standardising initial therapy for herpes simplex keratitis. As a result, 80% of patients are now receiving the recommended antiviral medications compared to 73% prior to implementation. Steps are being put in place to s…
- Sydney Eye Podcast
Sydney Eye Podcast Launched – mivision
A podcast created by Dr Maria Cabrera-Aguas, a researcher at the University of Sydney, Save Sight Institute, is now available for eye health professionals and members of the public. The podcast explores topics related to eye health and answers some common questions about eye conditions.
- Bacterial Ocular Surveillance system
BOSS Directs Cover for AMR in Corneal Infection – mivision
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been described as a global health threat by The World Health Organisation. Resistant organisms can lead to ocular infection that irreversibly damages the eye’s structures, resulting in vision loss and even blindness. Prompt use of appropriate antimicrobials can pre…
Insight News
- Bacterial Ocular Surveillance system
Sydney researchers identify improved topical therapy for microbial keratitis
An ongoing clinical study in Sydney has uncovered an alternative topical therapy to treat microbial keratitis in lieu of the
Conference Videos
- Khoo P, Cabrera-Aguas M, Hollhumer R, Watson S. Educational video to improve the diagnostic yield from corneal scrapes for microbial keratitis. Best community Ophthalmology Film. Allergan Ophthalmic Film Festival at RANZCO. Perth, Australia 2017
Conference Videos
- Cabrera-Aguas M, Watson S. Educational video to support diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Keratitis. 2020
- Cabrera-Aguas M, Watson S. Educational video to support the treatment of Herpes Simplex Keratitis. 2020